Tim Turnbull has been performing his poetry, at home and abroad, for thirty years. His first full collection, Stranded in Sub-Atomica, was published by Donut Press on November 11th 2005. His latest is Avanti! from Red Squirrel Press. He has created stage shows, toured with slam teams, published in numerous anthologies and magazines, and written supernatural fiction.
Since the 2000s he has extended his particular aesthetic into the visual arts, exhibiting oil painting, providing illustrations for book covers and magazines, and taking part in multi-media shows.
In 2015 his poem Ode on a Grayson Perry Urn, included in the Forward anthology Poems of the Decade, was among those chosen as set texts for Pearson Edexcel’s English Literature ‘A’ level. Students can find audio of the poem on the Poetry page.
SBT Live Literature Scheme
Turnbull is also an experienced tutor and is available for workshops in writing and performance. Funding assistance for performance or workshops in Scotland is available through the Live Literature Scotland scheme